Lies are one of the main ways the enemy gains ground in the lives of believers and unbelievers alike. The enemy is ALWAYS lying. We often think those lies are our own thoughts and fail to see that they are from the enemy. If we listen and believe the lies of the enemy, we walk in agreement with him and give him a place in our lives. Recognizing lies, asking forgiveness for believing the lies, renouncing the lies, and claiming truth are essential!
John 8:32
And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
John 14:6a
Jesus told him, “I am the way the truth and the life”................
John 14:16-17a
“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth.” …...........
John 17:17
“Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word which is truth.”
Jesus is truth. His word (the Bible) is truth. The words HE speaks to us and over us are true. The Holy Spirit reveals truth. TRUTH will set us free.
When praying about lies, the following steps are helpful:
1: Ask God to reveal any lies the enemy has spoken and that you have believed.
2: As God reveals the lies, list them on a sheet of paper.
3: Examine each lie, ask God for truth, and rewrite the truth.
4: Pray over each and every one.
Ask God's forgiveness for believing the enemy's lies instead of God's truths. Renounce the lies and claim the truth.
Sample Prayer for Renouncing Lies
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for revealing to me the lies and deceptions of the enemy. Please forgive me for believing __________ instead of your truth. In Jesus name, I renounce the lie ________________ and declare that it is NOT true. In Jesus name, I will believe it no longer. You have said that _________________ is truth. I declare your truth in Jesus name. Please help me to receive and believe your TRUTH. When the enemy comes to tell me this lie, please remind me of your truth and help to stand against the lie.
5: Following this prayer, it is helpful to read the list of truths regularly and learn to recognize
when the enemy tries to tell that lie again. Reject lies......... Claim truth!
6: It is also helpful to read the Bible regularly so you may KNOW truth.
7: Believing God's truth can be very difficult at first. The lies often feel like the truth. It is wise
to ask God to help you believe His truth.